Working at Walton Nursery and Early Years Centre

A Passionate, committed Team

Here at our nursery, we pride ourselves on the quality of our staff team. Our staff undergo in-house training (staff have access to a virtual training resource with over 100 recognized courses) and other training courses that are appropriate. We are also pleased to recognize that a large proportion of our staff have gained valuable experience working long-term at the nursery.

80% of our staff team are qualified to Level 3 Childcare (and above).

Some of our team have recently been awarded ELKLAN (Speech and Language) training which we are pleased to announce that we are only one of several in the North West who have achieved this training. This training has enabled us to help and support children who need help with their speech and language, making them ready and confident to move into the next age appropriate room or even school!

Staff also undergo the relevant training such as; Safeguarding, First Aid, Food Hygiene, Health & Safety and much more.