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Welcome to Walton Nursery & Early Years
Walton Nursery and Early Years
Here at Walton Nursery & Early Years Centre we pride ourselves on delivering Early Years education, our children are the future and we give them the best possible start in life. We understand that every child is different and unique in their own special way. We are so proud to be a part of your child’s journey and look forward to nurturing and growing your little ones to be the best they can possibly be.
We celebrate all cultures and festivals as part of our equality and diversity principles. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage and have achieved GOOD and OUTSTANDING Ofsted gradings in our history. We have a rich and welcoming environment that enables children to learn and explore through a safe and stimulating provision.
Here at Walton Nursery & Early Years Centre, we pride ourselves on our Core Principles:
- Every child is treated with respect and dignity. An inclusive service – we never turn any child or family away
- We Always go the extra mile for our children and families
- We believe Early education is paramount
- The Parent partnership is so important; therefore, we pride ourselves on our family relationships
- Quality is in everything we do
Walton Nursery and Early Years Centre features the following:
- 4 childrens rooms
- 2 SENCO staff
- Soft play room and a Sensory Room, meeting therapeutic needs
- Large outdoor area including a mood kitchen, water features, pirate ship, wigwams and role play materials, all hand made from natural resources
- On-site Forest School
- Awarded the 5-star grade for our food hygiene
- Extremely warm and smiley service
- Forward-thinking service
- Strong training programme that goes above and beyond the legal requirement
- Highly skilled staff team – 100% committed to the children and families
Ambito Care and Education have now opened a new school with the same leadership and management of Walton Nursery and Early Years Centre.
At Cavendish View School we provide a nurturing and stimulating education for pupils with Autism Spectrum Condition (A.S.C) and special education needs (S.E.N) from the ages of 5 to 11 years.
For more information, see our website.
SEN Provision
We are a fully inclusive nursery and treat each child as an individual. Staff can recognise and support individual needs.
We have 3 qualified Special Education Needs Coordinators (SENCO) who have gained a Level 4 recognized qualification.

At Walton Nursery and Early Years Centre we create a high-quality setting which is welcoming, safe and stimulating for all children; where they can enjoy learning and grow in confidence.

We have our own full time cook and on-site kitchen which allows us to cater to individual needs and dietary requirements.
We encourage children to try new foods and have a varied, balanced diet.

Working at Walton Nursery and Early Years Centre
Here at our nursery, we pride ourselves on the quality of our staff team. Our staff undergo in-house training (staff have access to a virtual training resource with over 100 recognized courses) and other training courses that are appropriate. We are also pleased to recognize that a large proportion of our staff have gained valuable experience working long-term at the nursery.
80% of our staff team are qualified to Level 3 Childcare (and above).
Featured and Latest News and Events
We Are Hiring!
We are looking for new staff to join our amazing team! We currently have positions for: SEN Teachers Speech and Language Therapist Nursery Nurses SEN Teaching Assistants For more information contact us on 01512 944899 or or...
‘Build a Scarecrow’ week
This week here at Walton Nursery it is ‘Build a Scarecrow’ week. Each room is having a competition to see who builds the best scarecrow! Which is your favourite?
Bubblebury Festival
This week we have recreated our very own Glastonbury Festival and called it ‘Bubblebury’, the children have put on their wellies and jumped in paddling pool filled with muddy water! One of our very talented nursery nurses, Rachael made tie dye t-shirts for the...
Fitness Fortnight
It is fun and fitness fortnight in nursery! This week Green Room have been doing their daily exercises in the garden. Children are practising their balancing skills and building up their core muscles! #eyfsphysicaldevelopment #grossmotorskills #earlyyearsmatters...
Lockdown Activity
Our Early Years Teacher, Jen, has been creating school readiness packs to send out to our children who will be leaving us in September to go to Reception. In the booklets we also included messages from the children’s nursery teachers who are in their classrooms.
Water Play
I thought that this week for activity of the week, I would look at water play and messy play. The weather has been so nice over the past week which is a great time to do water and messy play outdoors…to minimise the mess indoors! Water play and messy play is a...
Parents Quotes
‘’ I hope you all know how wonderful you all are, and we appreciate it more than words can say. Evie has gone through so many positive changes over the past two and a half years and we know that a lot of it is due to your loving guidance’’
‘’ Thanks to the fab learning book, I’ve been lucky to share the memories she has made, what a lovely nursery’’
‘’ Thank you very much for everything you have done for Amelia for the past few months, you are a lovely nursery and I would recommend to anyone’’
‘’ We would like to thank you for all the kindness and great care you have given’’
‘’ Thank you for everything the last 4 years, it has been amazing watching Roman grow to love all the staff, you will all be missed’’
‘’ Thank you for looking after James and making us feel very special!’’
Ofsted Quotes
‘’Staff are very kind, patient and caring’’
‘’Staff create a very enabling environment’’
‘’The manager shows a strong determination, commitment and drive to take the nursery to higher levels’’
“Children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported particularly well’’
“Children in the pre-school room are supported with their independence very well’’
“All children make good progress’’
‘’Staff work closely with parents, agencies and professionals to provide tailored support for those children who require extra help’’